My name is Sarika Patil, mostly known as Gandha and I practice Ayurvedic nutrition and AyurYoga massage.
I was born and raised in Maharashtra, India. After Graduation, I followed my inner call and embarked on the journey of my life. I lived almost 10 years in the Osho International Meditation Center in Pune, India, where I experienced many dimensions of Meditation. As I was particularly trained in Vipassana meditation, it helped me having a deeper understanding in my Ayurveda Study and grasping it in a meditative approach.
Since 1995, I am continuously studying Ayurveda (in different stages and levels) at the KAPL (Kerala Ayurveda Pharmacy Limited) Institute in Kerala, India. After completion, I became a certified Ayurvedic nutritionist and therapist. I travel yearly to India for my continuous Ayurveda education.
My research dimension is “How to bring Body-Mind in Balance through Food”
In Pune I also studied Ayurvedic Yoga (AyurYoga) massage with the Grand Master Kusum Modak, who is the founder and developer of this massage and a direct disciple of Yoga Master B.K.S. Iyengar. After completion, I was qualified as an AyurYoga massage specialist and trainer.
I work today as Ayurveda nutritionist and I am offering and guiding Ayurveda nutritional courses and AyurYoga training massage in Austria, Denmark, Germany, India, Italy, Spain and Turkey.
I am an active practitioner since 2006, with a portfolio of more than 500 clients.
I live now in Germany.
I speak Marathi, Hindi, English and Deutsch.