Ayurvedic cuisine has been often misinterpreted as Indian cooking. Ayurveda and its principles are not limited to India, but are universal, and almost any food can be prepared in Ayurvedic way.
Ayurvedic gastronomy is a Digestion-based cooking. It considers the balancing effect of the food, One’s own digestive capacity, the completeness, nourishing and tasty dimensions, making food agreeable to oneself.
It creates an Alchemy of Food, an enjoyable Act of integration of various foods, spices, weather, time of a day, seasons, one’s own age and digestion capacity… blending all together and bringing out their Best powers for YOU.
Ayurveda regards every person as a unique expression of nature and, therefore, it offers individuality in food.
Creating own food using Ayurvedic principles, brings YOU in balance (aYOURbalance), and offers you healthy benefits: it restores your natural digestion and metabolism, relaxing your body and mind; it strengthens your immune system, giving you more energy and stamina; your weight will regulate in a natural way, according to your natural constitution; it brings a healthy tasty satiation through a complete meal and eliminates craving of mind for unhealthy food. It simply makes gastronomy healthy, simple and attractive.
By learning and imbibing the art of Ayurvedic cooking, you will also understand how body and mind could affect your digestion – the main cause of most diseases, and how you could also improve your daily life.
“The beauty of Ayurveda is that it always yield side benefits, not side effects.”